Community School
Tips - Physics
Physics Tips
(Old course)
Be sure to know off by heart all definitions from the course-it will be
guaranteed marks.
You must have revised the entire course to prepare for section A –THE SHORT
QUESTIONS-from any part of the course. Section A is compulsory and is 30%
of the paper.
Questions on definitions and indeed all questions are quite repetitive,
so check over the last few years exam papers to check the most regularly
In section B (experiments), answer 2 out of the 3 questions. Do not attempt
a third question, as this section is only 20% of the full paper.
For experiments, to be able to
1) Calculate
a quantity or verify a law using formulae known.
2) Describe the experimental arrangement and draw a graph
3) Give sources of error (precautions)
In section C (the long questions) carefully choose the 3 questions you
will answer after reading through all six. Choose the questions that you
can obtain maximum marks on answering not just the topics you like.
Know all formulae and units and derivations required.
Label everything.
Nothing beats study!!! You have 2 years to prepare for a 3-hour exam-don’t
leave it until the last minute.
Compiled by William F., Laura F., and Cleona K.